I have read so many social media posts and blogs stating that controlled crying is a 'gentle' form of sleep training and unfortunately, I don't believe this is the case.

When a parent asks for my help and has tried these methods, especially after a trusted professional has recommended them, it makes me feel frustrated for that parent. Not because I'm passing judgment on what they have tried but because it is a widely accepted method with very little evidence to back it up.
In my opinion, there are so many other things to try which can improve sleep tremendously that these traditional methods don't even need to be touched.
I know from experience:
When I first started my training into becoming a sleep coach, I was sucked into feeling like 'Controlled Crying' was a gentle method because I would be present with my children. But to be present whilst hearing their cries was just awful. It didn't feel compassionate, patient or calm.
The more I studied and researched methods that aligned with my parenting values and choices, the more empowered I felt that there was a different way that saw profound and life-changing progress in children's sleep.
My practice now functions on those same values. I don't recommend anything to parents that I wouldn't be comfortable with. And I listen to them, if there is something that they don't want to try, then I don't force them to.
If you'd like to find out how you can optimise sleep and remain responsive and gentle, hit the button below to download my FREE Gentle Sleep Guide.